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Showing posts from July, 2014

Teachers, I Salute You

Teachers, I salute you. I salute you, I admire you, and I apologize for any mistreatment. All of that is coming back to haunt me in this karma-centric country. Seriously. Garnering the attention of a mob, maintaining it, and doing something meaningful with it... that takes a lot of skill. I am only two days into my term as an English teacher, but I already am starting to realize how much energy, time and creativity this position demands. Let's go to Thailand! I thought. Let's spend a lot of time there! I planned. Let's fully immerse in the language and culture! I dreamed. Let's do something meaningful! I hoped. Let's teach! I jumped ahead of myself. An extreme troublemaker who hates me during class, but comes to play in my office during his breaks Granted, I'm only teaching for one semester. I only have 3-5 classes per day, and I've been blessed with incredible resources- through my school itself, through the agency that has employed me, and