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Showing posts from December 13, 2012

A Glance in the Rearview

        It's an interesting line to walk, determining how much of a picture to paint. On the one hand, I'm fairly detail-oriented, and have a tendency to share almost too much, to try to answer questions before they can be asked. On the other.. this is the Internet. I don't really know what people can do with my personal information, and I'd prefer not to find out.  That being said... I think I can still share a bit more.             Brazil will not be my first abroad experience, so it isn't the novelty of it that excites me, or the foreign experience. I'm looking forward to the vibrancy, the different lifestyle, the culture and experience... and all of it for a long stretch of time. It will definitely require me to climb out of my comfort zone, and hopefully in that develop myself a little further. The language aspect is very daunting, but also very exciting.          I lived in Guatemala over this ...